
This report is looking absolutely fire tonight 🔥

Check out przm’s 2024 report with key trends, insights, and predictions for all things Gen Z (and Gen Alpha!)

Plus a custom Z-ictionary so you can learn the ABCs of NPCs — and much more.

You’d be delulu not to download this.

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Q&A WITH ARIANA NATHANI Founder, Drinks First

Q: Where’s home?

A: NYC born and raised :~)

Q: What are you working on that excites you?

A: The past few years I’ve been working on Drinks First, my podcast and events company. More specifically, I’m looking into ways I can grow and scale the company and I’m scheduled to do my first event outside of NYC in Miami for art basel!

Q: What advice would you give someone interested in doing what you do?

A: Just get started. You will learn the most by doing and making mistakes than meticulously trying to plan things out. Say yes to most opportunities. Be kind to all people you meet. And move fast/fail fast. More specifically – do not underestimate the power of your specific skill set. For me, I had a strong basis in design and that helped me understand my problem statement, how to solve it, and how to visually present my work. Use the knowledge you have already to leverage what you want to do going forward. Also, every resource is at your finger tips. You want to learn how to podcast? YouTube and Reddit are your best friends. You want to throw events? Walk into a venue and ask for their programming manager and just talk to them. Things only happen if you start doing them.

Q: Most beautiful place in the world?

A: Iceland. And my bed when the blinds are half open and it’s sunny outside.

Q: What advice do you have for brands looking to engage next gen audiences?

A: Engage in authenticity. Don’t be too set on one path of success, and take feedback to heart.

Q: Favorite TikTok trend or sound right now?

A: I never learn tiktok dances but I had to hop on the new one for Rich Baby Daddy by Drake. Need that song injected straight to the veins.

Q: What are you gatekeeping?

A: There is an arts club in greenwich village called The Salmagundi Club that is gorgeous and puts on all sorts of programming and it’s just one of those NYC gems you hold close to your chest because it’s so great.

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