
This report is looking absolutely fire tonight 🔥

Check out przm’s 2024 report with key trends, insights, and predictions for all things Gen Z (and Gen Alpha!)

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How is Generation Z Revolutionizing Finance and Shopping?


The spotlight is now on a rising financial force—Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012, progressively claiming a significant role in the global economic arena. With an estimated global spending power of $450 billion ($360 billion in the U.S.), Gen Z’s fiscal impact is expanding as they transition into adulthood.

Crucially, Gen Z’s spending isn’t impulsive; it reflects thoughtful consideration of where, when, and how they allocate their money, influenced by financial challenges like entry-level salaries, rising living costs, and the looming burden of student debt.

Despite these challenges, Gen Zers are going to great lengths to fulfill their spending desires. Side hustles, passive-income schemes, and multiple jobs have become the norm, as indicated by an IBM survey revealing that 53% are engaged in freelance work. This work-to-spend mindset contributes to their discerning spending patterns.

Gen Z’s distinctive characteristics extend beyond financial habits to reshape the shopping experience through digital fluency. Their meticulous research and intentional approach set them apart as some of the most informed consumers, displaying patience in contrast to impulse buying, often waiting for opportune moments and the best deals.

Quality holds a high priority for Gen Z; while seeking affordability, they refuse to compromise on product quality, scrutinizing reviews and swiftly switching to alternatives if standards are not met. Brand loyalty is no longer guaranteed, emphasizing their embrace of innovation and willingness to experiment with new options.

Sustainability emerges as a key driver for Gen Z’s consumer behavior, influencing a shift toward sustainable commerce. They prioritize authenticity, transparency, and corporate responsibility, seeking sustainable products aligned with their environmental impact goals.

Additional traits include saving around a third of their income, aspiring to homeownership by 2026, appreciating both traditional and digital media, contacting brands for inquiries, and evolving fashion preferences toward gender-neutral and secondhand clothing.

Despite forward-thinking, Gen Z faces financial concerns, climate change worries, and FOMO influenced by societal pressures and social media. Brands aiming to capture Gen Z’s dollars must adapt to their diverse and rapidly changing needs, acknowledging that preferences can change quickly in the era of instant information.