
This report is looking absolutely fire tonight 🔥

Check out przm’s 2024 report with key trends, insights, and predictions for all things Gen Z (and Gen Alpha!)

Plus a custom Z-ictionary so you can learn the ABCs of NPCs — and much more.

You’d be delulu not to download this.

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What’s your name, age, and preferred pronouns?

Tara Thomas, 22, She/Her.

Where are you from?

Portland, Oregon.

How would you identify?

I’m a chef and consultant, model, dreamer, creator.

What will Gen Z be remembered for?

Being suave and nonchalant, with incredible impact. We are visionaries.

Being a conscious chef is what most people know you as, can you tell us a bit about yourself from your own words?

Eating is a daily ritual that allows us to refuel, indulge, and experience our senses. Our bodies furnish these nutrients and change the way we perceive and integrate into the world.

I seek to combat social, environmental, and health issues with my culinary art in order to catalyze a change in perspective of individuals. Food is medicine that fuels your thoughts and actions, direct source of energy from the sun.

What does the word aware mean to you?

Aware means to me to have a mind open to the truth and being accountable to being open to such.

What’s one thing your mother or father said to you as a child that still sticks out as of today?

My mother always told me to stick to who I am, and my father always taught me to stay humble.

What are Tara’s favorite foods?

Bread and butter, chocolate chip cookies from l’imprimerie, vegan Jamaican patties, all fruits and veggies, so many things but that’s how I feel!

If someone was to try and break out of colonized comfort foods, what food would you suggest they try?

Eat more whole foods, plant based, detox yourself from comforts. Making things from scratch is so fun, take a look at local artisans and their stuff can become your comforts.

How has gardening impacted your life during the pandemic?

I am gardening in a community garden. It has allowed me to be involved in my community and directly solving the food injustice in the area. I am also finding so much joy in eating so many fresh items and having the privilege to plant and harvest it myself.

You love to make reading suggestions, suggest to us 3 books, articles, or videos we should watch!

Watch: Street Food Latin America on Netflix, Read Einstein’s Dreams by Alan Lightman, and You Are A Dream by G. Wolf “Prof. G”.

How does your heart feel right now?

Right now, so much. I feel strong enough to bear anything but I’m tender to endure love for all. Myself, my people.

What projects do you have in the works?

Premium Blend, Sincerely, Tommy Eat & Stay Restaurant, The Break Bar, LUUNGZ, and some exciting food based product collabs!

And last but not least, do we need to drink some water?

We need to drink some water, vinegar lemonade, kombucha, and tea.

Tara Thomas is a conscious chef from Portland, Oregon who urges us to find comfort in local, sustainable, tasty food. You can stay up to date on the good eats on her Instagram and make sure you stay up to date, you won’t want to miss her exciting upcoming projects.