
This report is looking absolutely fire tonight 🔥

Check out przm’s 2024 report with key trends, insights, and predictions for all things Gen Z (and Gen Alpha!)

Plus a custom Z-ictionary so you can learn the ABCs of NPCs — and much more.

You’d be delulu not to download this.

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What’s your name, age, and preferred pronouns?

My name is Tommy Hugus, I’m 19, and my pronouns are he/his/him.

Where are you from?

I’m originally from a small town about 30 minutes outside of Philadelphia, but I have lived in Raleigh, North Carolina for the past 15 years!

How would you identify?

I would say to state the obvious, I identify as a student, of both life and a university student. On the other hand, I also identify as a traveler, a creator, and a lover of life.

What will Gen Z be remembered for?

Gen Z will hands down be remembered for our resilience and our dedication to bettering the world. I genuinely think that we are the most selfless generation and that we will all stand up for those who don’t have a voice. Oh, and also our addiction to TikTok!

You have an interest in finance and fashion which many may find to be a surprising combination of interests. Can you please tell us more about your personal relationship to finance and fashion?

As crazy of a combo as it is (trust me, I know it is), I think the best way that I can describe it is finance is what I (will) do and fashion is what I love. You can only do so much with a suit from 9 to 5, but from 5 to 9 is when my other side comes out!

What brands do you feel reflect you best?

Golden Goose Deluxe Brand and Frame Denim. I would say I’m very laid back and understated in my day to day life, and Frame’s take on the basic jeans and t-shirt combo is my style to a T. Golden Goose is also super reflective of me because thanks to the variety of options ranging from super lowkey to super unique and out there, you can find a pair for literally anything and that too, is a lot like me.

What are your opinions on social media at this time? Are you finding it’s more rewarding not to sign in or are you all about the feeds and streams?

I think that for me right now it is all about balance. I think there is an element of escapism in social media that I love and need, but it can very quickly boil over into being super overwhelming which does nothing but stress me out. You know what they say about too much of a good thing!

When do you feel the happiest and what breaks your heart?

I think I feel the happiest when those around me are happy because there is truly nothing better than the feeling of happy friends! My heart shatters (not breaks, shatters) when something happens that I can’t control because as a huge people pleaser, I like to be in control of situations big and small.

What song do you play while driving into the sunset in a 1976 Yellow Ford Bronco and where are you headed?

Funny that you pick my literal dream car here! Easy though, Fantasy by Bazzi on my way to Eden Rock on St. Barths!

Tommy Hugus is a sophomore majoring in finance at North Carolina State and you can find him in the classroom most of the day. However, he has had the travel bug for as long as he can remember and up to this point has been blessed to visit over 55 countries. When he’s not studying or on a plane, you can find him chasing the beat at a cycling class or shopping at a trendy boutique! IG: @tommyhugus | VSCO: tommyhugus